1 ''' 2 # 语法1: 3 ''' 4 if 条件1: 5 code1 6 code2 7 code3 8 ...... 9 '''10 # age=1811 # if age != 18:12 # print('你好啊小伙子')13 # print('加个微信吧...')14 # print('other code...')15 16 # 语法2:17 '''18 if 条件:19 code120 code221 code322 ......23 else:24 code125 code226 code327 ......28 '''29 # age=1830 # sex='male'31 # wuzhong='human'32 # is_beautiful=True33 #34 # if age > 16 and age < 22 and sex == 'female' and \35 # wuzhong == 'human' and is_beautiful:36 # print('开始表白...')37 # else:38 # print('阿姨好,我逗你玩呢...')39 40 41 # 语法3:42 '''43 if 条件1:44 if 条件2:45 code146 code247 code348 code249 code350 ......51 '''52 # age = 1853 # sex = 'female'54 # wuzhong = 'human'55 # is_beautiful = True56 # is_successful = True57 #58 # if age > 16 and age < 22 and sex == 'female' and wuzhong == 'human' and is_beautiful:59 # print('开始表白...')60 # if is_successful:61 # print('在一起')62 # else:63 # print('阿姨再见....')64 # else:65 # print('阿姨好,我逗你玩呢...')66 67 # 语法4:68 '''69 if 条件1:70 子代码块171 elif 条件2:72 子代码块273 elif 条件3:74 子代码块375 elif 条件4:76 子代码块477 .........78 else:79 子代码块580 '''81 82 score = input('your score>>: ')83 score=int(score)84 if score >= 90:85 print('优秀')86 elif score >= 80:87 print('良好')88 elif score >= 70:89 print('普通')90 else:91 print('很差')